If you want to get a refund, please contact us within the form provided below, or via e-mail [email protected] or Discord @Combatboosthelp#9716 and give us the following details:
Upon ordering, you agree that period for the return and/or exchange of the purchased services is 30 days from the date of payment. In the event of dispute regarding timing of handling, refund or exchange and if we can not reach an agreement through correspondence.
All product names, trademarks, and registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners. All company, product, and service names used in this website are for identification purposes only. The use of “World of Warcraft”, “WoW”, “Diablo 4” and other trademarks and brand names does not imply endorsement. Combatboost is not authorized by or associated with Blizzard Entertainment commercially or in any other way. Combatboost does not sell in-game items but offers various services to improve your in-game skill. Other company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies. All items obtained in the process of using any service we provide are gained according to in-game mechanics in a way that is intended by the developers and/or legal owners of the game.
© 2023 Combatboost.com
235 Montrose Ave, Brooklyn, NY 11206, US